Infrastructure resilience focuses on ensuring that The City invests capital dollars wisely to build and maintain infrastructure that is resilient to shocks and stresses that Calgary may face. Council approved Capital Infrastructure Investment Principles to help guide these investment decisions.

The six principles are:

• Support the delivery of City of Calgary services, at approved service levels.
• Promote the well-being of communities, environment, and economy.
• Build an adaptable, resilient and smart city.
• Enhance the long-term value of City assets.
• Integrate, coordinate and optimize The City’s investment.
• Optimize financing and funding sources.

Lead: The City of Calgary


We listed the outcome we hope to achieve for this focus area in the form below. There are three initiatives/actions listed to help achieve the outcome. The outcomes and initiatives/actions were developed in consultation with many services within The City of Calgary, including Infrastructure Calgary, Infrastructure Support and Water Resources. We wanted to understand what you think of how important these outcomes are for Calgary.

Thank you for providing your input. The feedback form is now closed.

Your input was reviewed and themed and is included in the What We Heard Report.

1) Calgarians are supported through strategic investment in resilient infrastructure.

a. Support citizen services with resilient infrastructure - The City of Calgary has embraced a service based approach to meet the needs of our residents and support our city vision of a great place to make a living, and a great place to make a life. Infrastructure investment supports the current and future services that our citizens need. It is strategic and supported by a coordinated view of the whole city.

b. Maintain and improve the infrastructure we have built that supports service needs - City infrastructure and assets are appropriately maintained over their entire lifecycle and are aligned with known service needs and priorities. Assets that no longer meet service needs are identified. Innovative solutions which may be non-asset based are explored to achieve service needs.

c. Be mindful of our relationship with water - Integrated watershed (the areas that drain into our rivers) management is essential to protect public health and the environment, while strengthening our resiliency to a changing climate. Calgary must develop with a focus on achieving future water security and a sustainable water supply. Watershed management must be a part of our land use policies, plans and decisions. Healthy rivers and watersheds is our ultimate goal. Infrastructure investment helps water management in:

• Flood and drought mitigation in a changing climate
• Resilient regional water supply
• Riparian area protection (relating to the river banks)
• Water efficiency and managing water demand
• Ensuring appropriate / sufficient water and wastewater treatment capacity

Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
How important is it for Calgary that Calgarians are supported through strategic investment in resilient infrastructure?

Which, if any, other focus areas does your idea link with (Economic, Infrastructure and/or Inclusive Leadership and Decision Making)?

Also use this space tell us anything else you would like us to be aware of regarding infrastructure resilience.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


For information on the other focus areas, please click on each of the tiles below.